New School Principal
Welcome to Mr. Jason Baynes our new Principal. He is coming in from North Carolina but is a native of Tucson, Az. His wife and three children are excited to be home. Mr. Baynes comes to our school which has a full enrollment (exception for a few openings in grade 4) and a staff ready to support Mr. Baynes and our school families. We are truly blessed.
Thank you for your constant support of Saint Joseph Parish and School. It really counts for the whole success of our Parish.
Again, Thank you and God Bless you and your families.
Rev. Robert A. Rodriguez
Pastor of St. Joseph Parish, Tucson
Welcome to Rev. Ukeyima Adams
Beginning July 1 st Fr. Adams will be serving at Saint Joseph Parish as my Parochial Vicar. I am happy to
announce beginning July 1 st we will have a morning mass in the Parish Chapel at 7:00 am. He will serve
here in the months of July and August. This may be temporary but he might be assigned here for a longer
stay. Fr. Adams will offer morning confessions which will be announced or by appointment. Please call the
office if you would like to make an appointment or someone needs a visit at their home.
October 9, 2022
Window Film - I would like to thank everyone who donated to the new window film on the South
and North sides of the Church. They look great and are a great addition to Our Lord's house.
The whole project cost us $31,500.00 which is a big difference from the 1/2 million dollar bids
each of the five stained glass window companies were going to charge. One day, I hope to raise
money for the main entrance window. It is slowly falling apart. My hope is to show the depiction
of The Nativity. There is always a next project here at the parish.
Our Lady of Guadalupe - Thank you to the OLG group. They raised the money to build a
permanent flower stand underneath the picture of our Blessed Lady. It is a beautiful addition.